Reconnect with the power of your voice

Your voice is your most powerful medicine

This 1:1 container is a safe space to explore your voice without judgment. To remember the power that lives in your authentic self-expression.

Your voice is a powerful portal that connects you to your inner truth. To the path of your soul. And to the most embodied, authentic version of yourself.

In these sessions, I guide you in reconnecting with your truth, discovering your most authentic voice, and recognizing the blockages keeping you stuck in fear, guilt, or shame.

This is a journey to remember its power

What to expect?

🗣️ Free your voice
Recognize and free yourself from energetic blockages in your voice that keep you from speaking clearly, and expressing yourself.

🗣️ Singing for healing
The vibration of your voice is a powerful tool for harmonizing your cells. Learn to use singing, chanting, and vocalization for healing.

🗣️ Reconnect with your truth
Discover your most authentic voice and learn to express yourself without fear or guilt- from your own truth.

🗣️ Connecting with energetic singing
Strengthen or start an energetic singing practice based on meditation, breath, intuitive singing, and spiritual connection.

“The Voice is the Muscle of the Soul”